Saturday, June 20, 2009

snap shot 112/365 year#2

No time for photos today...we're in full wedding week till this guy will be my husband. I'm going to disappear for a while but I'll still be taking photos. I'll play catch up in July when my life is back to normal. See you all again soon!
June 20, 2009

Downtown 111/365 year#2

Josh and I went out to the bridge tonight to take some photos. Honestly my heart wasn't in it tonight. I had my mind on so many other things and my lens just wasn't cooperating. At least I still got my shot in.
June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

freckles 110/365 year#2

I want to apologize to all of you who follows this project. My last few photos have been nothing but crappy last min shots right before bed. When I started year #2 I made a goal to try to take a great photo each day. I feel like life has gotten in the way lately and I'm not making time for the best photo. I promise to get back on track real soon. Until then I'm still going to take a photo everyday even if they're just close up photos of my eyes. Thanks for sticking with me!
June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Late Night 109/365 year#2

I stayed at work until 10:30 tonight working on getting stuff done for the 3 weeks . I didn't get everything I wanted to done that I wanted to but I made a pretty decent dent. I drove around for 15min looking for a parking spot. I took a photo of the bridge that I live by on the way back to my apartment. I didn't have a tripod with me so I jacked up the ISO's so this photo is a pretty poor quality photograph. It was kinda of a cool picture spot though...I might have to take some time some evening and take some pictures here with the tripod.
June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lazy Face 108/365 year#2

Sorry I focused on my knees but in this one but I was to lazy to take another. I've been running around like crazy today getting everything in line for the wedding. I get to sleep in tomorrow because I'm working late tomorrow night. I seriously can't believe I'm going to be married in less then 2 weeks! Yikes!
June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cold Stone Celebration 107/365 year#2

I survived the first day of summer camp at work with minimal issues. It's such a huge transition time up at are center with tons of new staff, new kids, and new parents. Josh and I went out for ice cream tonight. We tried Cold Stones new Jello Pudding ice cream with peanut butter, caramel and chocolate sauce. Yep it was yummy!

Shout out to my little sis! Good luck tomorrow!
June 15, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

An Urban Garden 106/365 year#2

I went for a long walk down town. I went with the intentions of finding jewelry for my bridesmaids and ended up buying 2 t-shirts and a couple of hair clips at J. Crew. On the walk home I stopped at Pioneer Court House Square and took a few photos of the flowers in the Square.
June 14, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Clam Night 105/365 year#2

Josh and I made some clams for dinner to night. Yep I've taken photos of a clam night before. I've been sucking lately but I figure if I just keep trying and I just keep taking one photo no matter what it is I'll be back in the groove in no time.
June 13, 2009

2 more weeks till the wedding!

Friday, June 12, 2009

PGE Park Fireworks 104/365 year#2

My photos this week were all pretty last minute shots. Tonight was no exception. I ran up to work tonight to check in on the was a cool one with rock bands and middle schoolers. When I got back I realized I hadn't taken a photo yet. Luckily a few minuets after realizing that fireworks started at PGE park. I ran out to the fire escape with out grabbing the tripod. I racked up the ISO's, propped the camera up on the ledge and shot a couple of photos.
June 12, 2009

Sorry night! 103/365 year#2

Josh and I decided to play some sorry tonight. Tonight was the first night I finally beat him at sorry...and it felt sooooooo good! My co-workers make fun of me for playing sorry at home since I play it at work with the kids. Ahhh who cares board games are so much fun especially when I win!
June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just trying to relax 102/365 year#2

Life is at an all time crazy point...There are all sorts of transitions going on at work and I'm trying to get everything squared away for the wedding and honeymoon. Life is crazy but I'm happy!

I also got some good photography news...I was excepted by iStock to sell my photos today. It feels so good...I'm ready to start making that next step!
June 10, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First trip to the Rose garden in '09 101/365 year#2

Today was my first time up to the rose garden this year. It's practically in my back yard but I've been so busy this year that I haven't made it up there yet. I took lots of photos but really didn't like to many of them. I'm always big on the shallow DOF when I'm in the rose garden so I decided to challenge my self and rack up the aperture. Days like this make me long for a really wide lens.

I'm also not real happy with the editing today...I edited the heck out of this photo and now the quality is pretty lousy. Tomorrow I hope to have a better photo!

June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Josh 100/365 year #2

I took a photo of Josh last year for day 100 too! He came up to my work tonight to walk me home. It was a beautiful evening so we took the long way.
June 8, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just me 99/365 year # 2

I'm not happy with this arm looks strange : / I'm lazy and I don't feel like taking photos today.
June 7, 2009

Dave! 98/365 year #2

My Portland friends threw Josh and I a party last night since most of them can't make our wedding. My friend Dave and Kim were the ringleaders of the whole ordeal. I have to say It was one of the most fun nights I've had since moving here. It's crazy I haven't even been in Portland for 2 years and I have some of the most amazing friends here. Thanks guys for the fun night!
June 6, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Minute shot 97/365 year #2

Another pretty wild day! There was another Potluck at work and a baby shower for two co-workers. Sometimes there's so much crazy stuff going on up there I feel like I'm in an episode of the Office. I also drove over to another community center tonight to help with summer camp training. It was a little daunting to train my peers but also such a great experience. I really love what I do and at this point I'll take any experience I can get. I think it's going to be another wild day again tomorrow.

Oh yeah...this is a photo of our new salt and pepper mills that we received for a wedding gift. They're great!
June 5, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A lonely dog 96/365 year#2

It was a pretty wild day today. When I got to work there was a pretty crazy potluck going on for the preschoolers. During my after school program all the kids were kind of off kilter. I think it had to do with the weather. A huge thunderstorm rolled in through down town Portland. It was pretty exciting but it did do some damage. When I got home a parked behind the channel 8 news van. A huge tree fell on a house behind my apartment complex. Pretty freaky!

I actully liked this photo better because it looks like he's driving the car, but I used to slow of a shutter speed and had camera shake.
May 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Daises on the Sun Deck 95/365 year#2

I went and lounged out on the sun deck this evening. We have had some pretty great weather here in Portland...It makes me excited for summer camp, days at the pool, and slip and slide! Whoop Whoop what a great time of year!
June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Airplanes over Portland 94/365 year#2

I went for a long photo walk today to play with my new lens. It's an adjustment after always using a fixed lens but I like it! It's been so muggy here but I don't care...It's summer and I love it!
June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Green things and spotty windows 93/365 Year#2

I didn't get anytime today to play with my new lens :( I slept in to late, worked to long, and had just to much to do. Tomorrow I promise to make time for my new lens.
June 1, 2009